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International Journal of Anesthesiology Research

Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A (2023)

Role of tranexamic acid in reducing blood loss in off pump coronary artery bypass surgery: A randomized, double blind study


Shesha Dhiviya Krishna J, Manikandan, Maria Varun Raj S and TR Ramachandran


Introduction: To reduce the morbidity associated with cardiopulmonary by-pass (CPB), off-pump coronary artery by-pass grafting (OPCAB) has gained popularity.

Methodology: A randomized double - blind study with patients undergoing off -pump coronary surgeries under anesthesia was carried out in Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences during October 2013 to April 2015. Sample size was 60 and those were patients randomized into two groups that is each group having 30 patients. Patient age group between 18 to 80 years were included.

Results: The study population included 63 patients with coronary artery disease-triple vessel disease coming for off pump coronary artery bypass surgery under anesthesia to Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences. Of the 63 patients, 30 were allotted to each group after randomization into – Group T-receiving Tranexamic acid 30mg/kg after heparin and 30 to Group S -receiving normal saline.

Discussion: Tranexamic acid significantly reduces intra as well post-operative bleeding in off pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) surgeries and also significantly reduces the requirement for allogeneic blood transfusion in patients undergoing OPCAB surgeries. There were no complications or adverse reactions related to the use of drug like hypotension, seizures, renal dysfunction, thrombosis or anaphylactic reactions.

Pages: 05-10  |  700 Views  207 Downloads

International Journal of Anesthesiology Research
How to cite this article:
Shesha Dhiviya Krishna J, Manikandan, Maria Varun Raj S and TR Ramachandran. Role of tranexamic acid in reducing blood loss in off pump coronary artery bypass surgery: A randomized, double blind study. Int. J. Anesthesiology Res. 2023;5(1):05-10. DOI: